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    Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (Engrais) Project for West Africa; Tema
    Although smaller than neighboring ports and focused on Ghana’s foreign trade, the port of Tema has experienced strong growth in recent years and occupies an increasingly large position in the transit of goods to and from Burkina Faso and, to a lesser extent, Mali and Niger. Disadvantaged by the language barrier, the port of Tema has long been neglected by hinterland exporters, importers, and carriers. However, as a result of the Ivorian crisis of 2011-2012, several hundred thousand tons of Burkinabe products and products destined for Burkina Faso have begun to transit through this port recently. Thus, in 2017, Burkina Faso’s fertilizer imports transiting through the port of Tema exceeded those through the port of Abidjan. Moreover, Yara, which previously based its logistics in the port of Abidjan, opened a new fertilizer import terminal and blending plant in the port of Tema in February 2019. Generally, the port of Tema has experienced a rapid growth in port traffic volume over the last decade (on average +5% per year over 10 years), with a strong acceleration over the last five years (+8.5% per year). Over the last five years, the volume of goods transiting through the port has also increased noticeably. Fertilizer imports through the port of Tema are closely linked to fertilizer subsidies of the cocoa and cereal sectors (maize and rice) since the cotton sector is not that important in Ghana. The first strength of the Tema port is its cost. According to our surveys, it is the cheapest port in the sub-region. In addition to the savings on port fees, the port of Tema’s geographical location gives it a comparative advantage over land transport to Ouagadougou and, more generally, to Central and Eastern Burkina Faso. The main weakness of the port of Tema is due to Ghana’s non-participation in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), which does not allow it to benefit from the stability of the franc CFA; this can lead to additional costs and exchange risks during import transit. The procedures for importing fertilizer via the port of Tema and recommendations are also provided.
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    Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (Engrais) Project for West Africa; Abijan
    The Port Authority of Abidjan is the first port in Côte d’Ivoire and the second in West Africa, after the port of Lagos, Nigeria, with a total volume of processed goods greater than 20 million tons since 2007 except during the socio-political crisis in 2011. Fertilizer imports by the PAA have progressed during recent years between 350,000 and 550,000 tons per year, of which an average of two-thirds is cleared in Abidjan and one-third passes directly to the hinterland countries. One of the strengths of the PAA is the importance of exports in total traffic. Exports represent, on average, more than 30% of the volume that passes through the port, compared to between 6% and 21% for the other ports of the sub-region. The main weakness of the Port Authority of Abidjan is its congestion, which on average is greater than that of other ports in the sub-region. Over the last 12 months, the average waiting time for moored vessels was 3 days with 5.4 days at dock, i.e., more than 8.5 total days of waiting, compared with an average of slightly less than 7 days in other ports, where the average waiting time is 2.3 days with 4.7 days at dock. Fertilizer import procedures and recommendations are also discussed.
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    Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (Engrais) Project for West Africa; Lome
    Lome Port Authority is ranked third in West Africa after Abidjan and Lagos. The port is a logistics platform for shipping companies and the most important for transit operations in the Saharan region. The port is the main vehicle transportation hub and the first for imported goods from Burkina Faso. Major strengths of the Lome Port are that it’s the only deep water port in West Africa with more than 16.5 m depth, its geographical proximity to Burkina Faso, where agricultural lands are located, and the availability of land within the port area and free zone. The major weakness of the port is that it was initially designed for contained traffic, and therefore the bulk terminals are smaller and offer fewer berths than other ports. The main steps of the import process, charges, and recommendations are also discussed. 
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    Ateliers de Validation des Statistiques Engrais 2021par les Groupes de Travail Techniques sur les Engrais (GTTE)
    L'Association ouest-africaine des engrais (WAFA) et le Centre international de développement des engrais (IFDC) travaillent ensemble depuis quatre (4) ans à travers AfricaFertilizer.Org et le projet EnGRAIS (Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems). Ensemble, ils ont organisé des ateliers annuels pour valider les statistiques nationales sur les engrais par les groupes de travail techniques sur les engrais (FTWG) pour au moins six (6) pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria et Sénégal). Afin d'obtenir une image plus précise de la consommation d'engrais dans la sous-région, cette méthode a été étendue en 2021 pour inclure trois pays supplémentaires : le Bénin, le Niger et le Togo. Ces pays ont connu de fortes augmentations des volumes de consommation d’engrais ces dernières années. Les statistiques d'engrais pour l'année 2021 ont été validées entre février et mai 2022 pour quatre (4) pays : le Burkina Faso, la Côte d'Ivoire, le Mali et le Sénégal. Cette année, une première série d'ateliers nationaux d'une journée a été organisée, couvrant ces pays. Suite à cette première étape, un atelier conjoint d'une journée et demie entre le Togo et le Bénin a été organisé en juillet à Lomé, au Togo, en accord avec les partenaires clés, dans le but de valider les statistiques d'engrais de ces deux pays (2 ) des pays. Un des membres de WAFA dans chacun des pays concernés a dirigé et parrainé ces ateliers, tandis que les associations nationales, le cas échéant, ont joué un rôle important. Les données sur les engrais vérifiées par les GTE du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, de la Côte d'Ivoire, du Mali, du Sénégal et du Togo sont compilées dans ce rapport. Avec l'aide de représentants d'institutions gouvernementales et de l'industrie privée des engrais, l'objectif principal de ces ateliers est de confirmer les données statistiques nationales sur les engrais et de recueillir des suggestions pour améliorer les statistiques sur les engrais. Les objectifs particuliers sont les suivants : • Examiner, traiter et valider des données statistiques complètes pour 2021 sur la production d'engrais, les importations, les exportations et la consommation apparente et réelle pour chacun des pays cibles. • Afficher des données validées et élucider les tendances. • Comparez la consommation apparente et réelle, si disponible. • Déterminer les limites et les défis associés au processus de validation. • Fournir des suggestions pour améliorer le processus de validation. Voici les résultats attendus : • Les données statistiques sur les engrais seront examinées et vérifiées. • Les tendances et les variations des quantités d'engrais seront élucidées. • Des suggestions pour améliorer les statistiques sur les engrais seront élaborées et vérifiées.
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    Validation Workshop for the 2021 Fertilizer Statistics by the Fertilizer Technical Working Groups (FTWG)
    The West African Fertilizer Association (WAFA) and the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) have been working together for the past four (4) years through AfricaFertilizer.Org and the EnGRAIS (Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems) project. Together, they have organized annual workshops to validate national fertilizer statistics by Fertilizer Technical Working Groups (FTWGs) for at least six (6) West African countries (Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal). To obtain a more accurate picture of fertilizer consumption in the subregion, this method has been expanded in 2021 to include three additional countries: Benin, Niger, and Togo. These countries have seen large increases in fertilizer consumption volumes in recent years. Fertilizer statistics for the year 2021 were validated between February and May of 2022 for four (4) nations: Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal. This year, a first set of one-day national workshops was held, covering these countries. Following this initial stage, a joint one-and-a-half-day workshop between Togo and Benin was arranged in July in Lome, Togo, in accordance with the key partners, with the aim of validating the fertilizer statistics for these two (2) countries. One of WAFA's members in each of the relevant nations led and sponsored these workshops, while national associations where applicable played a significant role. Fertilizer data verified by the WGTEs of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, and Togo is compiled in this report. With the help of representatives from governmental institutions and the private fertilizer industry, the primary goal of these workshops is to confirm national fertilizer statistics data and gather suggestions for enhancing fertilizer statistics. The particular goals are to: • Examine, process, and validate comprehensive 2021 statistical data on fertilizer production, imports, exports, and apparent and actual consumption for each of the target countries. • Show validated data and elucidate trends. • Compare apparent and actual consumption, if available. • Determine the limitations and challenges associated with the validation process. • Provide suggestions to enhance the validation process. The following are the anticipated results: • Fertilizer statistics data will be examined and verified. • Trends and variations in fertilizer amounts will be elucidated. • Suggestions for enhancing fertilizer statistics will be developed and verified.