Assessment of Fertilizer Distribution and Opportunities for Developing Fertilizer Blends: Tanzania

This report explores the opportunities for developing fertilizer blends in Tanzania by analyzing available soil information, inventories of fertilizers in the market, and the rationale behind fertilizer formulations. Discussions with various stakeholders, including AFAP, SAGCOT, Britam, NAFAKA project, and fertilizer companies such as Yara and Minjingu, informed the assessment. Soil acidity correction, fertilizer distribution, and recommendations for different crops are discussed, highlighting the suitability of existing formulations and identifying gaps in area and crop-specific blends. Recommendations for AGRA interventions include investing in soil mapping, conducting trials on blended fertilizers, and enhancing national research capacity. The report also addresses bottlenecks in fertilizer distribution and suggests policy interventions to facilitate the availability of blended fertilizers in Tanzania.
Soil mapping, Soil acidity, Fertilizers