Assessment of Fertilizer Distribution Systems and Opportunities for Developing Fertilizer Blends:Burkina Faso

This study examines the fertilizer distribution system and opportunities for developing fertilizer blends in Burkina Faso, focusing on key actors in both public and private sectors of the fertilizer value chain. Structured interviews were conducted with major importers, producers, distributors, and public service entities, supplemented by secondary data on policies and regulations. While there is limited soil analysis data available, efforts such as the OCP mobile laboratory aim to address this gap. Analysis of fertilizer consumption patterns reveals a heavy reliance on cotton and maize, prompting the development of crop-specific blends to meet varied regional demands. Recommendations include best-bet trials, collaboration between research institutions and industry players, and investments in national capacity for soil analysis. Despite government subsidies mainly benefiting cotton production, the study suggests that the growth in fertilizer consumption will likely come from private sector development, driven by increased productivity awareness among farmers.
Soil analysis, Fertilizers